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In the section the Minutes of the General Meetings are published.


Notices to the General Meetings are published in the News section of the website.


The Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders (“AGM”) is Pure Positioning’s highest decision-making body. The AGM will be held annually in Stockholm, Sweden. Shareholders registered in the share register and which have given notice of their intention to participate in due time have a right to participate at the general meeting. Shareholders who wish to have a matter addressed at the shareholders’ meeting must submit a written request to the board of directors. Such request must normally be received by the board of directors no later than seven weeks prior to the shareholders’ meeting.


At the AGM, the board, the management and the auditors are available to answer questions relating to the Company and its activities. The annual accounts are presented for approval. The AGM also considers matters such as election and remuneration of board members, the chairman of the board, and the auditors.